What to Expect

Thank You for Registering!

Here are a few tips to make the most of your weekend...

  • Registration will begin at 10:00am on Friday, September 10, 2021 at the host hotel in San Bernardino, CA, just inside the main lobby.
  • Plan to join us for an appetizer reception, social hour and History Fair at the Historic Santa Fe Depot in San Bernardino, CA.
  • The registration booth will remain open throughout the course of the workshops - please stop by at any time if you have questions!
  • The Full Weekend Pass allows access to all listed events.  This includes the Opening Reception, History Fair, Historical Tours, Workshops, and Awards Luncheon. 
  • Wondering what to wear?  CCHS does request business casual attire throughout the conference and the Awards Luncheon. Although this conference is in September, bring a light jacket for inside the conference rooms - they do get chilly!
  • Transportation is not provided to this year's historic tours - carpooling is suggested to the Camp Cajon Monument. If you need a ride to any of the off-site locations or have an extra seat in your car, let us know at the registration booth! 
  • A confirmation email will be sent out on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 containing all final details.
  • All necessary directions and suggested restaurants for "on your own" meals will be provided upon check-in.
  • Have fun and feel free to ask questions!